Sherry Turkles Ted Talk

It's an odd feeling, knowing that we live with this belief that technology brings us closer together. Yet simultaneously it does indeed isolate us. Turkle gave us examples both verbally and visually of this case. In instances where we are surrounded by people, we isolate ourselves, devoting all of our attention to a little device, almost completely enclosing us from the outside world. For a device we choose to believe brings us closer to people, its a tough pill to swallow when you realize it does the opposite as well.


  1. I completely agree. I too am guilty of paying to close attention to my cellphone. I rationalize this because its become normalized. It shouldn't be normal to be with someone and not be making eye contact but staring down at a screen. Bad habits are hard to break, especially when everyone around you has the same bad habit.

  2. While at times technology can distract us, I don't believe this is a new thing. In fact, I remember the same being said of youth distracted by books when they became more accessible, and newspapers much later.
    Humans are social beings, but we need alone time just as much. It can be easy to blame technology, but I believe human nature is the true culprit.
    And besides, using a phone does not mean you can't experience the outside world as well. To most, technology is merely an extension rather than a replacement, allowing them to talk to people all around the world, and much more.


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